Novel Ladies & Gents
When I first began blogging in 2015, I ran a monthly interview series that focused on building community with fellow writers I met online. This series ran for a little over half a year before I retired it in pursuit of participating more actively in writing communities on Facebook and Twitter.
If you found yourself here by way of an old interview link, then allow me to point you in the online direction of the lovely ladies and gents I interviewed so long ago. Here’s their info:
May 2015 Feature: Faye Kirwin of
Ready to write a spellbinding story? Storytelling is Faye Kirwin’s calling and psychology her speciality. At Writerology, Faye uses her expansive knowledge to teach writers how to make meaningful transformations in their lives.
June 2015 Feature: Jenny Bravo, author & blogger
Author of spell-binding romance novels like These Are The Moments and Those Were The Days, Jenny Bravo also shares writing and publishing advice on her website to help guide you in your journey toward debut success.
July 2015 Feature: Author Sara Letourneau
Sara is a poet and speculative fiction writer for both teens and adults. In addition to writing columns for DIY MFA and Writers Helping Writers, Sara frequently blogs about her writing journey on her website.
August 2015 Feature: Author Abria Mattina
A marketing and book production professional by day, Abria is also an author whose debut novel Wake explores the struggle to redefine life after cancer and caring for an ill loved one.
September 2015 Feature: Author Karah Rachelle
An all-around, self-described geek, Karah writes contemporary young adult and new adult fiction. Her projects include works such as Over Again, Ellie Versus, and Emil & Theo.
October 2015 Feature: Author Laura Teagan
A long-time fan of mysteries and thrillers, Laura has penned two ongoing seres following protagonists Cassie Morgan and Emily Burnet, who always find themselves in for a bit more trouble than they bargained for.
Nov 2015 Feature: Authors Travis & Whitney McGruder
As writers, editors, and self-proclaimed nerds, Travis and Whitney are one novel couple you won’t soon forget. On their website, Wit & Travesty, you can employ their editing services, following along with their writing journey, and order your copy of Whitney’s debut fantasy novel, Destiny Seeker.
Dec 2015 Feature: Stephanie Taylor & Holland Burris
As a mother-and-daughter writing team, Stephanie & Holland have penned the American Dream, a series of middle grade books that following young girls seeking to find a home as immigrants in America.
March 2015 Feature: Author Brett Michael Orr
Brett is a passionate fantasy and science-fiction writer whose published and ongoing projects include works like The Bureau of Time, Death In Our Hands, and Angels of a Darker Kind.