Publishing Kristen Kieffer Publishing Kristen Kieffer

The Three P's of Successful Self-Publishing

Many writers dream of becoming full-time authors. But how exactly do successful self-published authors earn their livings? The answer to this question lies in an entrepreneurial spirit.

Turning a creative hobby into a career is a business endeavor, yet many writers hesitate to think of their books as products, their readers as customers, and book marketing as an essential part of what it means to be a full-time author — which is also why so many self-published writers fail to garner more than just a few occasional sales.

That said, there's nothing easy about building a small business from the ground up. Most successful self-published authors spend years cultivating their careers before quitting their day jobs.

How do they get to the point where they can write full-time?

Let’s break down the three P's of successful self-publishing, writer. 👇

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